At Dai Lou Tuition, our tutors will help you achieve your VCE goals. We push our students to their very limit in order for them to utilize their full potential. With the necessary guidance from our tutors, you will achieve and succeed.
Our tutors aren't just the highest scoring students from their subject - they're also hand-picked for their outstanding ability to pinpoint the areas where you most need help, to convey information that's easy to understand and readily applied, and to get you through even the toughest challenges of your final year. They're knowledgeable, reliable, friendly and easy to relate to - and they're here to help you do your best and enjoy every step of the way.
Our tutors aren't just the highest scoring students from their subject - they're also hand-picked for their outstanding ability to pinpoint the areas where you most need help, to convey information that's easy to understand and readily applied, and to get you through even the toughest challenges of your final year. They're knowledgeable, reliable, friendly and easy to relate to - and they're here to help you do your best and enjoy every step of the way.
Our prices are very reasonable at a cost of $15-$20/hour per subject. The prices vary in accordance to the subject difficulty. Minimum of 2 hours. Our tutoring services are usually available at Springvale Library, Oakleigh Library or Clayton Library. If you would like to bring a friend, we will give you a 20% discount.
Note: We are currently only taking Year 12 students.
Note: We are currently only taking Year 12 students.